Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Whether you're just beginning or internship or thanking god you've finished internship and moving on to senior positions, Good Luck! DOWN WITH SCUT! is all I have to say.

The last several weeks have been a whirlwind. It's weird to think that just two weekends ago, I was in Dublin, having some very boozy going-away celebrations. My very last call was June 3rd and for some funny reason, the American interns were all on together. Cheesy, but i took photos on call, just to remember what it was like. It's great not ever having to do call ever again, I absolutely hate all the inefficiency and incompentency shenanigans you have to deal with, and not to mention that call hours there are uncapped and admissions are uncapped. Can you tell I'm very happy not to have to repeat internship?!

Anyway, weather was lovely and I spent my last couple weekends in Dublin at rowing things and bbq's. Had a great time at Metro regatta in the sun, talking to loads of people I haven't seen in awhile and won't see in awhile. Then went out and had a fantastic rowing night out, that's something I'll really miss. Unluckily for me, met a hot boy, which is the typical leaving story, but cest la vie! Had a hungover bbq the next day, I love those spontaneous things, and Paulie did the typical man job of trying those disposable bbq's which didn't work. I had leftover burgers for 2 weeks! The next weekend, went up to Queens for the Queens vs. Trinity race, and was in the launch watching the races and had a fabulous time - it's great to enjoy the social rowing scene. Last bastion of British aristocracy and all.

My last weekend was a DULBC alumni reception (small) that was pleasant, bought way too much wine and cheese but who's complaining! And then dashed off to the SJH hospital ball for a last drunken medic night. Had a great time, but was definitely sad at the end and ended up bawling for a little while. Then dashed home, slept for 1.5 hours and then off to the airport to whisk away to NYC!

I had mixed feelings about coming. On one hand, I really wanted to get out of SJH, even though I really like that hospital. Enough was enough though. On the other hand, I really like european life and the way friendships are formed there, and I really didn't want to leave my close friends. Coming to NYC was the best thing for my career, but I was afraid that I wouldn't adjust well or like having to come back to US thinking and corniness. But now that I have, my wariness was unjustified and I'm having a great time. I really like it here and the people in my program seem great, and... NO MORE SCUT!!!! well...not as much anyway!

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