Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Life in the Cleveland Clinic

So I'm post-call yet again, seeing how coherently I can ramble on before I fall asleep at the keyboard. I'm not sure whether napping during call actually helps or not. Cokes definitely don't keep me awake, just make me crash further plus have to pee. I'm still enjoying it and learning a lot, but things are a little slower now than my first week - for some reason, my team isn't getting slammed with codes and new admits like other teams are. Which I suppose is lucky and good, but we're just feeling a bit bored and slacker-ish :). I got a new patient yesterday, but then she was floored and out of our service so the most I did was the admit note. Doing less doesn't make you any less tired though, you're probably more awake when you're up and running around. I still enjoy calls, but they're starting to wear me down a little. Only 2 more left!

The living quarters here are pretty basic, and you can hear everything! When someone goes to the toilet or has a shower, when someone's typing, etc. So can't get a lie in past 6 am! Most of us have long days, and most everyone tries to do a little reading if we can and aren't too tired, but it's hard cuz all we want to do is have fun and watch tv. I've met a few fun and awesome fellow students here, which is a relief. And the residents/fellows/attendings themselves are nice and not averse to some fun, so that's a relief too. This would be a really nice place to do a rotation, I think, although I imagine it'd be hard to get in. Maybe it helps that I know the city too.

Taking the Step 2 CS in 1.5 weeks. I haven't "studied" as much as I've wanted to, but I'm not too worried. All I need to do is review some exams, maybe practice with people (it hasn't really helped that my patients aren't conscious, although I could possibly get in some practicing without feeling like I'm intruding! sounds bad, I know). Seems like my whole life for the past year has been just studying and reading, and it'll definitely be like that next year too if not worse. I hope some of it's going in!

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